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Wie kann man einen virtuellen Server einrichten?

Siehe http://www.fluidthoughts.com/howto/config-vhost/.

Wie kann man einen anderen Server einspiegeln?

Siehe Apache Web-Server, Lars Eilebrecht, ISBN 3-8266-0612-4, 3. erweiterte und überarbeitete Auflage 2000, Seite 225ff.

Wie kann man in den User-Verzeichnissen CGIs erlauben...?

... mit CGIWRAP?

> On Tue, Jan 11, 2000 at 07:24:07PM +0000, Philip wrote:
>> Is there a way to use ScriptAlias to alias "/cgi-bin" for every user
>> so that it points to ~user/cgi-bin? Basically I want every user to be
>> able to use aliases such as "/cgi-bin" and "/Images" to point to their
>> own directories. I assume this is possibable ?

You mean to have
www.blah.ie/~username/cgi-bin/script.cgi ?
Might be possible but I've never seen it.

A possible solution might be to use cgi-wrap (ftp://ftp.umr.edu/pub/cgi/cgiwrap/).

Using this users create a cgi-bin in whatever UserDir is defined as for 
Apache, say /home/albertw/public-html/cgi-bin, and put their scripts in there.
To execute the script you then go to www.foo.ie/cgi-bin/cgi-wrap/albertw/script

cgi-wrap has the added bonus that scripts will only be run as the user, not 
nobody or whoever your webserver is running as. The docs are included with the 
package and explain the setup quite well.

... mit Bordmitteln?

siehe http://www.linux.ie/pipermail/ilug/2000-January/011254.html:

I added this to Redbrick's httpd.conf

<Directory /home/*/*/*/*/gonk>
Options Indexes
ErrorDocument 404 /index.html
<Directory /usr/local/www/htdocs>

My home directory on Redbrick is
so /home/*/*/*/*/gonk is intended to point
at anybodys gonk directory under their public_html directory.

Basically, I'm pointing anybody who goes to www.redbrick.dcu.ie/~singer/gonk
and tries to get a non-existent filename, they'll be redirected to Redbrick's
wonderful main page. This is a pointless and trivial example. Check it out
though, it works. (And indeed will work for all users on Redbrick... Nobodies
got a ~/public_html/gonk directory on the system asides from me though :) )

What you want to do is restrict users CGI to within their
~/public_html/cgi-bin directory, yes? 

This'd work on Redbrick.

Turn off CGI for users, but add this to httpd.conf

<Directory /home/*/*/*/*/cgi-bin>
Options ExecCGI Includes Indexes FollowSymLinks

Also, Suexec, which has been shipping with Apache for yonks now, will happily
execute CGI scripts as the user who owns them. It is stable and secure, and
follows a nicely strict ruleset.

Wie kann man Zope zusammen mit Apache laufen lassen?

>>> I'm configuring Zope to work with Apache. A quick question:
>>> I compiled Zope 2.0 with
>>> # python w_pcgi.py
>>> Then I started up Zope by typing #./start -p '' &
>>> No problems. My site was available at http://foo.bar:8080/
>>> I followed the directions in the Zope and Apache howto and added some
>>> lines to my Apache config file. I made sure the final Rewrite rule pointed
>>> to the Zope.cgi file in my Zope directory. After restarting Apache, my
>>> non-Zope pages are still available just as they should be. Unfortunately,
>>> http://foo.bar/atlas/ (which, of course, refers to a Zope-generated
>>> page) returns an error which says:
>>> Forbidden
>>> You don't have permission to access /atlas/ on this server.
>>> Any ideas? If I understand this correctly, the Zope.cgi file should have
>>> all of the information necessary to access my Zope pages, e.g., ZServer is
>>> running on port 8080. 
>> Something like this should work:
>> <Directory /where/you/have/Zope/installed/>
>> Options ExecCGI
>> </Directory>
>> otherwise you may not be able execute the Zope.cgi script!
>> Also.. make sure that the Zope pcgi process can read the script!
>> It seems to default to 'rwx--x--x' which, in my configuration,
>> won't fly.
> OK, I checked access.conf and found:
> <Directory /home/httpd/cgi-bin>
> AllowOverride None
> Options ExecCGI
> </Directory>
> I copied Zope.cgi from my Zope directory to /home/httpd/cgi-bin. Then I
> did a chmod 755 Zope.cgi, but no joy. Same error message.


is Zope.cgi a link or a real file? If it's a link
you may also need FollowSymLinks:


Options ExecCGI FollowSymLinks

I have something like this:

<VirtualHost <your virtual host ip address>:80>

ServerAdmin steve@spvi.com
DocumentRoot /webroot/htdocs
ServerName test3.your.domain
ErrorLog /webroot/logs/error_log
CustomLog /webroot/logs/access_log common
<Directory /usr/local/etc/Zope2>
Options ExecCGI

#RewriteLog /webroot/logs/rewrite.log
#RewriteLogLevel 9
RewriteEngine on
RewriteCond %{HTTP:Authorization}  ^(.*)
RewriteRule ^/(.*) /usr/local/etc/Zope2/Zope.cgi/$1 [e=HTTP_CGI_AUTHORIZATION:%1,t=application/x-httpd-cgi,l]

Also... what version of apache are you using? I thought
access.conf was deprecated now.... not sure about that...

Wie kann man Session-orientiert Webanwendungen programmieren...?


...mit CGI-Scripts (sh, perl, python, etc.)?

...mit Python?

...mit Perl?

...mit EmbPerl?

Wie kann man Apache selbst kompilieren und einrichten?

Siehe http://www.fluidthoughts.com/howto/config-webserver/.

© 2001 ich
Created: Don Jul 19 11:30:01 MEST 2001
Last updated: 
Son Mai  5 18:52:25 MEST 2002